Update from Administrator – June 30, 2020

Update from Administrator – June 30, 2020

Greeting Meadowbrook Family,

Please remember that all visits must be pre-scheduled to ensure safe and healthy visits for you, the residents, and our staff. You can schedule a visit with Recreation by email at recreation@meadowbrookofgranby.com


As you know from our communications, managing this pandemic has been very challenging but we continue to focus on our residents and their well-being.  We are happy to report that we continue be negative in house. Check our Facebook page to see updated pictures of our recent graduates- It is truly uplifting for our staff and residents.

Last week, the state DPH and members of the National Guard visited our center for a monitoring visit and found us to be in compliance. We continue to follow all CDC and state guidelines and receive regular updates on new guidelines that are offered.


Weekly Call

As a reminder, our next “Town Hall” meeting is scheduled for June 30th 2020 at 5pm  and we will discuss more detailed information during this time. We encourage any residents and family members to contact me with any questions you have about the care we are offering. Our commitment is to be as transparent as possible and work to address any issues that arise. This is an incredibly challenging time and we will continue to do all we can to get through this, together. A reminder that resident-specific questions cannot be answered during these calls or on our Facebook page so please reach out to us directly if needed.

Thank you and please stay safe and healthy! Although the weather outside is becoming warmer and sunnier each day, it is important to remember that it is still necessary to be cautious and aware that the risks of COVID-19 are still present.


Below you will also find our department heads email addresses. If you have a particular question please feel free to email them directly.

Admission Admissmb@meadowbrookofgranby.com

MDS Coordinator: mdscoordinator@meadowbrookofgranby.com

Nursing Supervisor: dns@meadowbrookofgranby.com

Asst Directive of Nursing: adns@meadowbrookofgranby.com

Recreation: recreation@meadowbrookofgranby.com

Rehab Director: therapy@meadowbrookofgranby.com

Long Term Social Worker socialworker@meadowbrookofgranby.com

Short Term & Social Service Director socialwork@meadowbrookofgranby.com

Financial Director  finance@meadowbrookofgranby.com

Administrator administrator@meadowbrookofgranby.com

June 30, 2020 A Healthier Approach To Caring